Netech has 3 tools for remote access to help solve your issues:
This article will describe the operation of Quick Assist.
At the bottom left of your computer screen, next to thew Windows Start Flag you will have one of the following Search icons.
If you have the first Search option, click on the magnifying glass and the following will appear.
In the white space where it says “Type here to search” type the word quickassist. Thee best match will show at the top of the list as an App.
Click on the Quick Assist App at the top of the list and the following will appear.
Your Netech support professional will then give you a 6-digit security code. Once you have entered the code, the “Share Screen” will be ready to click on to start your session.
You will then be asked to allow your screen to be shared.
Click Allow.
Trouble logging in? Simply enter your email address OR username in order to reset your password.
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